Ways to Give
The fastest way to support us is with an online gift at www.SFHistory.org/DonateOnline
Please send checks, made payable to the San Francisco Historical Society, to:
San Francisco Historical Society
Attn: Development
P.O. Box 420470
San Francisco, CA 94142-0470
The San Francisco Historical Society is a registered 503(c) nonprofit with tax id#68-010488.
Our members provide vital support to sustain the San Francisco Historical Society and our mission: to uncover, preserve, and present, in engaging ways, the colorful and diverse history of our city from its earliest days to the present.
As a member you’ll receive unparalleled access to our publications, live broadcasts, walking tours, special events, and so much more.
Purchase your membership at www.SFHistory.org/Memberships
Did you know that giving stock can help you avoid paying capital gains taxes while providing an income tax deduction for the full value of the gift (for stocks owned for more than a year)? Gifts of security are often more beneficial than cash.
For example:
Avoid all capital gain taxes
Income deduction for the full value if the security is owned for more than a year
Make an immediate impact on the mission of the San Francisco Historical Society
How it works
1. Notify the San Francisco Historical Society’s executive director, Todd Mayberry, at [email protected], with your intention to donate securities prior to the transfer.
2. Have your broker or financial advisor transfer appreciated securities to the DTC account listed below.
3. Transfer appreciated securities directly to us (and avoid all capital gains taxes).
4. Receive a tax receipt for the value of the assets.
5. The securities are immediately sold and the funds are put directly to use.
Make your gift over the phone, by mail or via a financial advisor.
Ask your broker to donate using the information provided below:
DTC #: 0226
Account # RJL-060274
Account Name: San Francisco Historical Society
SFHS Broker:
Rockefeller Capital Management
Two Embarcadero Center, Suite 2320
San Francisco, CA 94111
Please note that the information provided above is intended for educational purposes only and is not considered legal, accounting, or other professional advice.
The San Francisco Historical Society is listed in most online Donor Advised Fund and Community Foundation giving portals. If you cannot find our institution in your giving portal, please add us by making a first gift using the information below:
San Francisco Historical Society
P.O. Box 420470
San Francisco, CA 94142-0470
503(c) Nonprofit Tax ID: 68-010488
Website: www.SFHistory.org
Primary Contact:
Todd Mayberry, Executive Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (415) 537-1105 ext. 701
Mission Statement: The San Francisco Historical Society exists to uncover, preserve, and present, in engaging ways, the colorful and diverse history of our city from its earliest days to the present.
If you’re 70½ or older, you can make a tax-free gift directly to the San Francisco Historical Society from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA). It’s a smart way to enjoy tax savings and support the history and preservation of San Francisco!
Please note that these gifts must be fully deposited by 12/31 to count for the 2024 tax year, so please don’t delay!
Here’s how it works:
Who? You must be 70½ or older to make a Qualified Charitable Distribution.
What? For 2024, you can give up to $105,000 per year from your IRA (and up to $210,000 for married couples).
How? Instruct your IRA custodian to send a specific dollar amount directly to the San Francisco Historical Society. (You cannot withdraw the funds yourself.)
Mail to:
San Francisco Historical Society, Development Office
P.O. Box 420470
San Francisco, CA 94142-0470
Nonprofit tax ID# 68-010488
Your IRA custodian can send the gift by check or electronic transfer. Please contact Todd Mayberry, executive director at [email protected] or (415) 537-1105 ext. 701 for any questions.
Please let us know of your charitable intentions so we can ensure your gift is processed in an accurate and timely manner.
When? Your gift must be completed on or before December 31 in order to count towards your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for the calendar year. For those using an IRA checkbook, please remember: the date of gift is when we receive the funds in our account, not when the check is postmarked. To avoid penalties for not taking your full RMD, be certain that checks from an IRA checkbook are sent in plenty of time to clear within the calendar year.
Benefits to You:
RMDs. Your donation will count towards your RMD for the current year. Note that as of January 1, 2020, individuals must start taking RMDs at age 73. (Those who turned 70½ in 2019 must still take RMDs in 2019, 2020 and beyond).
Tax Savings. Before January 1, 2024, you can exclude up to $100,000 of this gift from your federal gross income — resulting in lower taxable income and possible tax savings (a $200,000 exclusion may apply for taxpayers who are married and filing a joint return). Beginning on January 1, 2024, you can exclude up to $105,000 of this gift from your federal gross income (a $210,000 exclusion may apply for married taxpayers filing a joint return.)
Tip: This tax savings is especially valuable to donors who are non-itemizers and donors who have reached their limit on itemized charitable deductions.
Please note that the information provided above is intended for educational purposes only and is not considered legal, accounting, or other professional advice.
A planned gift is any gift given for any amount, given for any purpose—operations, capital project, or endowment—whether for current or deferred use by the San Francisco Historical Society, which requires the assistance of a professional staff person or the donor’s advisors to complete.
While the most common planned gift is typically made through a bequest in a person’s will or living trust, there are a range of other options to consider. The following are a few ways to make a planned gift to support the San Francisco Historical Society in perpetuity. Please contact Todd Mayberry, executive director, at [email protected] to learn more about your options.
Naming the San Francisco Historical Society as primary, partial or contingent beneficiary of your retirement plan is a simple, practical gift idea. Contact your plan custodian for the proper beneficiary change forms.
A simple charitable bequest can provide very meaningful support for our mission as well as reduce the amount of estate and inheritance taxes paid. Bequests may be specific assets or amounts, or they may be proportional or residual in nature.
Many people have life insurance policies that are no longer needed for their original purposes. Such policies can be given to the San Francisco Historical Society and an income tax deduction can be taken for the cash surrender value. Plus, the annual premiums on a new or existing policy given to the organization irrevocably may also be tax-deductible.
Without giving up ownership of your life insurance policy, you can still designate the San Francisco Historical Society as a whole or partial death beneficiary. Contact your insurance company for a Change of Beneficiary form.
Contribute to the San Francisco Historical Society with a one-time gift or through ongoing payroll deductions. Often, companies will match these donations, thus, doubling your charitable impact!
By donating to the historical society through an employee giving campaign or your company’s matching gift program, you truly can say, “I gave at the office.”
How: Contact your company’s human resources department to learn about workplace giving programs.
If you have further questions about workplace giving, contact the main office or email [email protected] with the subject line: Give at Work.
Your Donations Make a Difference
Individual donors are a critical source of funding for our programs. Without such support we could not accomplish our mission: the preservation and interpretation of San Francisco’s extraordinary and unique history. This is important as an understanding of our traditions and our past is essential to building a successful future for our great city.
In these exciting times we continue to serve thousands of people through our monthly programs, Barbary Coast Trail tours, and other walking tours of San Francisco. Stay tuned for more great news as we begin to introduce important archived resources in the weeks to come.
Additionally, we are launching new efforts to reach out to the city’s grammar school students with educational programs. Educational services and programs are at the heart of our mission, and we can provide valuable educational tools to help students learn about the city’s history.
We can only do these things with your generous support!
With Gratitude,
Your friends at the SF Historical Society
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