1906 Earthquake and Fire: Chinatown’s Devastation and Renewal – Walking Tour
Saturday, March 8 @ 11:00 am - 1:30 pm
At dawn on April 18, 1906, the San Andreas fault ruptured, sending shockwaves racing across San Francisco. The City is abruptly awakened only to witness a firestorm destroying everything in sight over the next three days. Vibrant and densely populated Chinatown is swiftly engulfed by a raging fire on Day One and its inhabitants are dispersed like embers in the wind. With Chinatown destroyed, City politicians and power brokers decide this is an opportune time to relocate the community. Powered by an irrepressible resiliency the Chinese community reimagines Chinatown and builds back better.
Tours led by Jack Grippi
Tour Dates & Times:
Saturday, January 11th @ 11AM
Saturday, February 8th @ 11AM
Saturday, March 8th @ 11AM
Register at www.SFHistory.org/1906Tour
**** Additional Tour Information ***
General public admission, $20 per person (non-members) -Additional donations at checkout are appreciated and keep the ticket price low.
Free for members with 100% off discount code. Check your SF History E-newsletter, which goes out the first week of every month, for the membership code. Apply at check-out.
Tour length: Approximately 90 minutes
Maximum attendees: 20 people
In case of rain, tour will be rescheduled