How Dry I Ain’t—The Story of How San Francisco Outwitted National Prohibition Rules and Prospered
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 @ 5:45 pm - 8:00 pm
John Freeman
Between 1920 and 1933, the United States tried the “Noble Experiment” of banning alcoholic beverages. But the Volstead Act legislation never prohibited consumption! Locally, imbibers enjoyed a most relaxed attitude toward the consumption of alcohol. The San Francisco region took advantage of all the loopholes to skirt the federal laws and rake in the profits from tourism and stealthy distribution.
John Freeman is a native San Franciscan, and member of SFHSfor 24 years. His passion is pursuing local historic topics that were seemingly forgotten, or inaccurately told, and sharing them. John has consulted for museum exhibits and written numerous rticles in print and online sites. He has also taught courses in regional lifelong learning programs.
* To reserve your spot as an SFHS member please CLICK HERE.
* To purchase a non-member ticket ($10, free for 13 and under) please CLICK HERE.
* View online live stream during the event on YouTube: CLICK HERE TO WATCH STREAM.
Doors open at 5:45 PM for socializing and snacks.
Presentations begin at 6:30.