Welcome to our monthly Tuesday night Program presentation. We had planned to host this event at our 608 Commercial Street location; this would have been our first Tuesday evening presentation at the SFHS Museum.
Why hold it at 608? Because in tonight’s program, SFHS Board Member and USF history professor Chris O’Sullivan tells the story of one of the West’s earliest and most influential writers, Bret Harte, who worked and wrote at the old mint on Commercial Street for six years–from 1863 to1869.
Bret Harte wrote some of his best-known works here, stories that ignited the imagination of Americans with visions of tumultuous, romantic adventures in the West. Harte’s associates in the emerging literary culture of San Francisco included Mark Twain, Warren Stoddard, Ina Coolbrith, and Ambrose Bierce. Harte was at the forefront of Western American literature, and his influence on our enduring perception of the West is indelible.
Someday we’ll feature Chris O’Sullivan in a live presentation at 608 Commercial Street, and when we do, be sure to come. Chris is a dynamic storyteller with an infectious love of San Francisco history. For now, prepare the beverage of your choice, settle into your favorite chair, and enjoy the presentation from the comfort of home.
Click HERE or on the image below to view the presentation on YouTube.