Spires that Asipre to Inspire: The Story of St. Ignatius Church
Tuesday, February 11, 2020 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Peter Devine
Peter Devine will talk about the history and influence of St. Ignatius Church, which has been rebuilt over the years to serve the city’s needs, always moving westward toward the Pacific Ocean. After the 1906 earthquake and fire, and several years in temporary quarters, the Jesuits finally built a landmark church on
the slopes of Lone Mountain. The basilicasized church with twin towers was the highest landmark in San Francisco for many years.
Peter Devine, a fifth-generation San Franciscan, has taught at St. Ignatius College Preparatory for 47 years. As drama director, Peter received recognition as “inspirational teacher” at the 2015 Tony Awards. He wrote the new book, Spires that Aspire to Inspire: St. Ignatius Church.
Take a free tour of the church on Saturday January 25.
SFHS monthly programs are free to members. Non-member fee is $10, which may be applied to membership dues within 30 days; $5 for non-member seniors, students, K–12 teachers, and people with disabilities. Programs are normally scheduled on the second Tuesday of each month, except August and December. Programs are subject to change, so please check for updates at sfhistory.org.
Roosevelt Middle School features on-site parking (enter on Palm Avenue) and public transportation nearby.