Important Notice:

The museum will be closed on the following days/times:

Friday, March 21 (Special Event)

Thursday, March 27 through the month of June
(capital improvements and new exhibit installation)

We’ll be open again in early July.

The museum will be open on Monday, March 24 in honor of
Ferlinbghetti’s Birthday. Docent tours of the F. exhibit will be offered.


The San Francisco Historical Society begins a new docent tour program for the Museum in conjunction with the opening of our new exhibition, Ferlinghetti: An Exhibition in 6 Vignettes.

Join us for an engaging docent-led tour at the San Francisco Historical Society Museum at 608 Commercial Street in San Francisco. Hear fascinating stories and learn things you didn’t know about San Francisco, and the exhibits on view. Enjoy getting unique insights as our knowledgeable guides bring our exhibits to life. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a history buff, this tour will deepen your appreciation and understanding of San Francisco’s history.

Docent tours are free and are held at 11:30 am, and 1:30 pm on Saturdays.

The San Francisco Historical Society Museum is free and open to the public Thursdays-Saturdays from 10 am – 4 pm

History Live! “Shaping San Francisco’s Urban Design: Anna and Lawrence Halprins’ Artistic Legacy.”
Tue. April 1 @ 6:30 PM (In-person & Livestream)

Join Janice Ross, Professor Emerita from Stanford University, as she discusses how Anna and Lawrence Halprin transformed contemporary dance and urban design. A free ticket is required. Donations greatly appreciated!

Register here

History Live! “George Moscone and the Making of Modern San Francisco.”
Tue. May 13 @ 6:30 PM (In-person & Livestream)

Join author and professor, Lincoln Mitchell, as he discusses the fascinating life of politician George Moscone. A free ticket is required. Donations greatly appreciated!

Register Here

Watch the Film!
History Live! Lawrence Ferlinghetti: A Singular Voice
Join Jim McKee of Earwax Productions as he shares the sounds & stories of a 30-year friendship with Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

About the Event: 

Earwax Productions, Inc. is an award-winning sound design, mixing, and recording studio in North Beach that has been “surrounded in sound and its possibilities since 1983.” Join us for a special evening of stories and sounds from Earwax Productions co-founder Jim McKee, longtime collaborator and friend of Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

Jim McKee will share the personal history of his decades-long creative collaboration with Lawrence Ferlinghetti, drawing from a diverse catalog of poetry, interviews, soundscapes, and “overheard conversations” recorded in and beyond San Francisco, between 1989 until the end of Lawrence’s life in 2021. Their relationship began when Jim was introduced to Lawrence by his mentor Erik Bauersfeld, Director of Drama and Literature at KPFA. Their friendship endured through decades and ended at Lawrence’s bedside near the end of his life, with a recording of Lawrence reading Little Boy.

Don’t miss this intimate tour of a rich audio archive of Ferlinghetti’s singular voice through the lens of Jim’s unique and personal perspective. Moderated by Chris Buck, “Ferlinghetti | An exhibit in 6 vignettes” collaborator, lifelong Ferlinghetti enthusiast, and founder of Ferlinghetti Day, an annual literary walk-about on March 24th, in honor of Ferlinghetti’s birthday.

Click Here to Watch the Show!

Watch the Flim!
SF History Live! “The Tonga Room: From Swimming Pool to Tiki Hut.”
Presented by Eric Jost. Tue. Feb. 11th @ 6:30PM.

Step aboard the S.S. Tonga as we dive headfirst into the mesmerizing history of the world-famous Tonga Rom & Hurricane Bar! Since 1945, this themed restaurant and bar has been a go-to destination for San Francisco locals and visitors alike. Get ready to unravel the secrets behind the transformation of the Fairmont Hotel’s pool into the ultimate hub for a nautical-themed bar, evolving gradually into the beloved indoor tropical paradise we know and love today. Discover how the Tonga Room & Hurricane Bar defied extinction in the early-2000’s, emerging even more popular than ever before. As a part of this tropical experience, you’ll taste the Tonga Room’s signature cocktail, the Tonga Zombie (and get the recipe).

Watch the Show:

Walking Tours

Our walking tours provide a first-hand experience of San Francisco’s history. Tours include historical themes that embrace San Francisco’s rich history with subject experts who led the tours. We know you’ll in joy learning about the City’s iconic history with tours that include the 1906 Earthquake and Fire, Fisherman’s Wharf, the gold rush, the Barbary Coast to name a few.

**** Additional Tour Information ***

General public admission, $20 per person (non-members) -Additional donations at checkout are always appreciated and keep the ticket price low.

Free for members with 100% off discount code. Check your SF History E-newsletter, which goes out the first week of every month, for the membership code. Apply at check-out.

Please note that Unspeakable Vice tour general admission tickets at $30 each and $10 for members. Attendees must be age 21.

Tour length: Approximately 90 minutes

Maximum attendees: 20 people on a first-come,first serve basis

In case of rain, tour will be rescheduled

historical SF harbor


If you need any assistance, please email Chris Griffith at [email protected]

NEW WALKING TOUR! The “Valley of the Queens”

Explore the vibrant and revolutionary queer history of San Francisco’s Tenderloin and Polk Street neighborhoods with local resident and professor Shawn Sprockett. This tour offers a deep dive into the emergence of LGBTQIA+ icons and movements that shaped the area from the 1960s to the 1990s. The “Valley of the Queens” tour highlights key events such as the Compton’s Cafeteria Riot, a landmark trans resistance that predates the Stonewall Riots, and the site of San Francisco’s first Pride parade.

Tours start at The Tenderloin Museum located at 398 Eddy St., San Francisco. 

Tours led by expert, Shawn Sprockett

Tour Dates & Times:

Saturday, March 29th @ 2PM

Saturday, April 19th @ 11 AM

Saturday, May 24th  @ 11 AM

Saturday, June 28th @ 11 AM

General public admission, $35 per person (non-members); Members, $10 with discount code. Check your SF History E-newsletter, which goes out the first week of every month, for the membership code. Apply at check-out.

Purchase Tickets Here:

NEW WALKING TOUR! “The History of North Beach”

North Beach is one of the oldest areas of San Francisco and has seen many changes over its long history. What began as a beachfront community and maritime port soon attracted immigrants from many countries, who over time, transformed the area into today’s vibrant mercantile and tourist area. Sailors, bankers, poets, performers, and others all made their imprint here, and their stories will be part of this walk through the neighborhood. Along the way we will sample some of the neighborhood’s delicacies (included). And for those who wish to stay after the tour, you can enjoy a pizza on your own at Tony’s Pizza Napoletana, where the tour ends.

Tips to the guide are not required but are welcomed.

Tours start at 608 Commercial Street (SF Historical Society Museum) at 10AM and end at Tony’s Pizza Napoletana around 11:30AM.

Tours led by Stephen Johnson, a board member of the San Francisco Tour Guide Guild.

Tour Dates & Times:

Saturday, April 5th @ 10 AM

Saturday, May 3rd @ 10 AM

Sturday, June 21st @ 10AM

**** Additional Tour Information ***

General public admission, $30 per person (non-members); Members, $10 with discount code. Check your SF History E-newsletter, which goes out the first week of every month, for the membership code. Apply at check-out.

Purchase Tickets Here:

Fisherman’s Wharf Tour

Join us for an exploration of Fisherman’s Wharf, the most popular free attraction in San Francisco, to discover how commercial fishing coexists with the modern tourist Mecca. Learn how Native Americans, Chinese, Italians, whaling sea captains, and sport fishermen all have harvested seafood from the waters of San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean.

Starting at the Musée Mécanique at Pier 45, we will walk to the Maritime Museum at Aquatic Park, a flat, under-two-hour stroll. Along the way, you’ll hear stories about World War II ships, a San Francisco theatrical production called The Cable Car Nymphomaniac, and the crisis that “broke the mold” for Irish coffee glasses.

Tour Dates:

No dates scheduled at this time.

Reserve Your Tickets!

1906 Earthquake and Fire: Chinatown’s Devastation and Renewal

Before dawn on April 18, 1906, the San Andreas Fault ruptured, sending shock waves racing across San Francisco. The city was abruptly wakened to witness a firestorm that would last three days and destroy almost everything within sight. Vibrant and densely populated Chinatown was swiftly engulfed by a raging fire on Day One, its inhabitants dispersed like embers in the wind. With Chinatown destroyed, city politicians and power brokers decided that this was an opportune time to relocate the Chinese community. Powered by an irrepressible resilience, the Chinese community re-imagined Chinatown and built it back better.

Tours led by Jack Grippi

Tour Dates & Times:

Saturday, April 12th @ 11AM

Saturday, May 17th @ 11AM

Saturday, June 21st @ 11AM

Saturday, July 26th @ 11AM

Register at

Gold Rush and Sunken Ships

Experience how San Francisco went from a trading village to a metropolis. You’ll learn about the hidden remains of sunken ships and artifacts from the Gold Rush.

Tours led by expert, Lori Bower or Kelci Bengier

Tour Dates & Times:

Saturday, April 19th @ 11 AM (Lori)

Saturday, May 3rd @ 11 AM (Kelci)

Register at

Secrets and Stories of San Francisco’s “Wall Street of the West”

Travel back in time to discover the stories and significance of the companies and people whose names adorn Financial District buildings. In addition to Silver Kings, the Big Four, and renowned bankers, this tour will introduce you to many others who “mined the miners” to create wealth beyond any normal imagination.

Tours led by Thom Jackson

Tour Dates & Times:

No tours scheduled at this time.

Register at

Barbary Coast and Jackson Square: Pleasure Seekers and Merry Makers

Explore the beginnings of the “anything goes” city through its culture, food, and vice. Is it so different today? Discover how the City by the Bay reflects its glorious past and continues as a trend-setting urban playground.

Tours led by historian experts, Corrie Conklin and Carolyn Moniz.

Tour Dates & Times:

No tours scheduled at this time.

Register at

Unspeakable Vice: Queer North Beach Before the Castro

Starting at the San Francisco Historical Society, we’ll zig zag our way by more than a dozen lost queer bars, concluding with a round of drinks at the site an infamous lesbian hook-up spot on Grant. Hear how the “unspeakable vice” of the Victorians found its place and, through the process, gained a voice. Starts at 608 Commercial St. and ends at Maggy McGary’s pub at 1353 Grant Ave in North Beach. This exciting new tour includes a free drink at Maggy McGary’s, included in the tour price.

Notes: 21+, Limit 1 free drink per guest, Maggy McGary’s end 1353 Grant Ave

Limit 1 free drink per guest.

Tours led by expert, Shawn Sprockett

Tour Dates & Times:

Saturday, April 19th @ 11 AM

Saturday, May 24th  @ 11 AM

Saturday, June 28th @ 11 AM

Register at

Gold Rush Walks for KidsWalking-tour-san-francisco-historical-society-barbary-coast Gold Rush Walks for Kids

Our trained guides offer free walking tours for elementary school focused on the Gold Rush. This walk directly addresses grade 4 social studies standards, but students in grades 3–6 are welcome to attend. Please call 415-537-1105, Ext. 6, for more details.

Self-Guided Walking Tours

Tours of ‘Old Town’ SF
Not up for an in-person event yet? Give our self-guided walking tours a try. These walks also begin at 608 Commercial Street. You can download them for free on the App Store or Google Play. Search for “City Explorer San Francisco” and look for the walks with the SFHS logo. Or, scan the QR code with your smartphone or tablet (this will take you directly to the App store to download the City Explorer San Francisco app).

SFHS Virtual Walking Tours

Self-Guided Tours Led by SF High School Students

Walking Tours of Golden Gate Park!
Walking tours of Golden Gate Park led by San Francisco high school students, the winners of the 2020 Fracchia Prize, are now available as mobile apps. Download the walks for free and start exploring “Everyone’s Park,” with freshly minted historians as your guide. Choose from:

  • “Botany and Horticulture: Symbols of Flourishing Against the Odds” by Winnie Quock, George Washington High School (1st Place Winner)
  • “Horticultural History: Learning About San Francisco’s Past Through the Garden Gems of the City’s Favorite Park” by Indigo Mudbhary, Lick-Wilmerding High School (2nd Place Winner)

* COMING SOON * “It’s a Ringer! One Perfect Day in Golden Gate Park” by 3rd Place Winner Luke Zeponni, Abraham Lincoln High School

SFHS Virtual Walking Tour - Golden Gate Park

* Special thanks to SFHS Volunteer Gloria Lenhart for creating our mobile history apps. *